Equity Scholarships Appeal
Equity Scholarships Appeal
Memories of Macquarie: the important things never change
Equity Scholarships Appeal
Equity Scholarships Appeal
The important things never change
Equity Scholarships Appeal
Miranda Wakefield grew up in Yamba, a town of just 7000 people in northern NSW. Miranda is the first of her family to ever finish year 12. 

A message from Professor David Wilkinson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Corporate Engagement and Advancement
For many of us, university was our first taste of independence – and when we were students, that freedom came without the financial barriers that it does today. Everything is different for current students, but what hasn’t changed is Macquarie’s commitment to giving students who face hardship the education they deserve.

There are many gifted and hardworking students across the country who, through no fault of their own, simply cannot afford the costs of university study. Without your help today, these young Australians will never get the education they need, and their incredible potential could go to waste.

I’m writing to ask you to send a gift of $50 before 30 June, so we can establish more vital scholarships to help disadvantaged students come and study with us.

For many students a scholarship alleviates the need to make difficult choices, such as whether to work extra hours during a scheduled lecture in order to pay for living expenses. For some students, it is the single factor that ensures they are able to attend University in the first place.

Miranda spent five years trying to access the training she needs to become a teacher. As one of this year’s scholarship recipients she finally has the opportunity to study Education at Macquarie, and begin her career journey.

This year we have received far more scholarship applications from deserving students than we can assist with current funding. Your generosity today will give these promising young people opportunities they have no other hope of achieving.

Will you help to ensure that we receive enough funding by 30 June, so we can establish more scholarships to help students like Miranda make their contribution to our world?

As a valued alumnus of Macquarie, I hope you will consider making a kind gift of $50 today, to help more exceptional students access the world-class learning and supportive community you enjoyed during your time here with us.

With my warmest regards,

Professor David Wilkinson
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Corporate Engagement and Advancement

P.S. The support of generous alumni like you will help students who otherwise simply could not afford a university education. Will you consider making a tax-deductable gift of $50 by 30 June, to help us fund more life-changing scholarships?

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